Defending our Profession

Articles page 5




Mechanics Reject Teamsters Lies at USAirways

AMR Mechanics UAL Teamsters Fail to stop outsourcing

AMR Mechanics Teamsters Split UAL SFO Union members

AMR Mechanics - The Teamster Local Zoo- No Voice - No Vote

AMR Mechanics - Teamsters Union membership falling




Blood in the Water - IAM victory over ibt

UAL teamsters 401k Loss

Machinist Strike of 66 Part III - AFL-CIO

Machinist Strike of 66 Part II -

Machinist Strike of 66 Part I - PEB


Page 6






teamsters Cut and Paste Negotiations

The Ten Year wage divergence at UAL

Medical Plan giveback in LOA #29

ibt gives back Mon-Fri at SFO MOC

Empty ibt Promises Empty UAL Pensions







Vote IAM - Some things Just don't fly

MFC Its an American Right

Its an American Right

Truckers can't negotiate for AMT's

teamster concession AMT - 7 year pay scale

teamster concession NO Retro Pay




















AFL-CIO Unions stand against teamsters raid at US Airways and American Airlines

The teamsters lose another representational election against the IAMAW this time at US Airways August 12, 2013.

After a year of empty promises and false campaign propaganda the teamsters’ airline division lose two more elections. The teamsters claimed to have collected 2800 election authorization cards but only recieved 1400 votes in the election loss. Many election authorization cards came from furloughed USAir mechanics raising the question of the honesty of the teamsters’ organizers at US Airways and the teamsters’ airline division.

The loss was followed three days later by the teamsters’ termination and self-withdrawal from their yearlong organizing campaign drive at American Airlines. Two teamsters paid organizers signed sworn affidavits about the common practice of teamsters organizers forging election authorization cards for mechanics they could not locate.

For the teamsters airline division to withdraw prior to an NMB investigation is a sure sign of election card forgeries occurring at American Airlines. The corrupt teamsters union and their paid organizers practice of forging election cards were exposed by former paid teamsters organizers.

You can read their affidavits here.



Craft Unionism

Aircraft mechanics over the last 50 years have fought to have their own craft based union.

A Mechanic Union and Mechanic Local Bylaws built based on the same democratic principles we have fought for over the years.

Our AFL-CIO Craft and Class philosophy is built on the work of mechanics who over the years have fought to have a democratic Class and Craft union of our own like the Pilots have with ALPA.


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Articles & Fliers

Articles and Fliers covering the failures of the teamsters at United Airlines and other Airlines.

We provide factual information so our mechanics can take a stand against the teamsters union and make an informed decision on union representation.


UAL Contracts and other useful information.



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The ALPA Model

The Mechanics Class and Craft like the Pilot Craft and Class represent professionals who hold tremendous responsibility of the safe and reliable operation of aircraft in their hands every day..

We recognize that because of the limited size of our Mechanics Class and Craft and the diversity of mechanics working in our industry in both union and non-union shops that a Craft Union backed by the millions of union members in the AFL-CIO is the logical choice.


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AFL-CIO Affiliation

A big strength of ALPA is their affiliation and solidarity with the unions that make up the AFL-CIO.

AFL-CIO National, State and City Labor Councils - support their affiliated ALPA members.

These same Labor Councils will provide our Mechanics with the forum and support to build a stronger Craft Union to represent our Mechanic and Related aviation professionals.



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